Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Helping Traumatiozed Children Learn

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"Helping Traumatized Children Learn is the result of an extraordinary collaboration among educators, parents, mental health professionals, community groups, and attorneys determined to help children experiencing the traumatic effects of exposure to family violence succeed in school. Years of case work, coalition building, and policy analysis lie behind this report, which stands in the proud tradition of other reports produced by Massachusetts Advocates for Children. These reports have led to significant improvements in the lives of children in the areas of special education, bilingual education, child nutrition, lead-poisoning prevention, and others."

Table of Contents
Preface | vii
Acknowledgements | ix
Executive Summary
| 1
Genesis of This Report
| 11
Chapter 1
The Impact of Trauma on Learning
| 14
The Trauma Response in the Classroom | 15
Trauma’s Impact on Academic Performance,
Behavior, and Relationships | 21
Childhood Trauma and Academic Performance | 22
Language and Communication Skills | 22
Organizing Narrative Material | 26
Cause-and-Effect Relationships | 27
Taking Another’s Perspective | 28
Attentiveness to Classroom Tasks | 28
Regulating Emotions | 29
Executive Functions | 31
Engaging in the Curriculum | 31
Childhood Trauma and Classroom Behavior | 32
Reactivity and Impulsivity | 34
Aggression | 34
Defiance | 35
Withdrawal | 36
Perfectionism | 37
Childhood Trauma and Relationships | 38
Relationships with School Personnel | 38
Relationships with Peers | 39
A Note on Special Education | 40
Conclusion | 41
Chapter 2
The Flexible Framework:
Making School Environments Trauma-Sensitive
| 42
The Role of Schools in the Lives of Traumatized Children | 43
The Flexible Framework: An Action Plan for Schools | 47
Schoolwide Infrastructure and Culture | 47
Staff Training | 50
Linking with Mental Health Professionals | 58
Academic Instruction for Traumatized Children | 61
Nonacademic Strategies | 67
School Policies, Procedures, and Protocols | 68
Chapter 3
Policy Recommendations
| 78
Removing Trauma as a Barrier to Learning
| 85
Appendix A: Safe and Supportive Schools Legislation | 87
Appendix B: PTSD and Related Diagnoses | 93
Appendix C: Factors Influencing the Trauma Response | 97
Notes | 98
Appreciation for Contributors | 113
About the Authors | 117

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